What’s in Your Product?

The Capital One credit card has a long running campaign with celebrity actors like Samuel L. Jackson. Their mantra is “What’s in your wallet?” You may or may not have given any thought to that question, but you may stop and think about this question...

What’s Your Story?

How many times have we looked at someone inquisitively and wondered, “What’s his story?” Other times it’s, “What’s he smoking?” Truth is, we all have a story. If we tell our story right, it could inspire people and open many doors. Told wrong, it could turn people off...

Give Your Brand a Facelift

To rebrand or not to rebrand? That is the question. To keep your company the way it is now and hope that it somehow becomes more successful, or be proactive and rebrand your company so it’s positioned to be more successful? Great brands are always evolving. They...

Who’s Got Your Back?

Have you ever seen a Disney car? You may never see one on the road because of the Brand Manager at Disney many years ago. What may seem like a perfectly logical brand idea to many may seem like a very bad idea to one.  And that ONE, just might be what most companies...

The Emotional Cocktail

Whenever Norm Cates asks me to write an article for his Club Insider publication, I do it gladly. Besides Norm being an icon in the health club industry with his signature hat, I can’t help but be caught up in his passion for the Club Insider, which by the way is...

Cool People Like Cool Things

So, I was talking to my long time friend Norm Cates at IHRSA. I always enjoy his passion for the fitness industry. In the course of our conversation, he says, “Our industry should be more important to America.” A very profound statement, one that caused me to reply,...