Advertising – Don’t Waste Your Money!

So, the big question posed to me is, “How do I advertise in these tough economic times?” My answer whether in good times or bad is – don’t spend good money on bad ads. I just saw an ad for a new gym in, well I won’t give the city, because I’d like to protect the...

Trust Marks

If you ask a woman to name an important trait they love about a man, a sense of humor usually tops the list. If you ask a guy which trait is the most important to him when it comes to a woman? No, it’s trust. Really. On the August cover of Club Insider was the word...

Brand Passion

Good branding, advertising and customer service are what allows us to know the heart of a company even if we’ve never met the owner. If I don’t get that emotional connection, you’ve lost me. It’s like an ad with an asterisk. We consumers understand those asterisks as...